Hi Judy,

I gave up on Roxio/Adaptec a long time ago. Nero is the only way to go. They are constantly updating the software (reminds me, I have to go and look to see what new updates are out there for my burner).

I'm not a great fan of the drag and drop stuff with CDRW's but it's much better than anything Roxio can offer. My room mate even admitted that the Nero was the way to go but opted to stay with Roxio and all it's bugs because he's to damn lazy to learn how to use Nero properly, his loss! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

I can also tell you that a CDR is not formatable for use with the InCD software. It is only functional with CDRW's. The disk MUST be a rewritable disk and CDR's are a write once only format.

Sorry I can't be of further help to ya!!

Richard http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

---Wolff On The Prowl---
