Jens:: "(I don't drink at all, and I don't watch TV at all, and the last time I was in a cinama had been decades ago). Maybe I should start drinking first to paralyze my memory :-)"

Good for you about the non-TV - me neither! Nor do I listen to news or read any newspapers. Life's too short to waste it on stuff like that. But you don't DRINK?!?!?!?! An artist and designer - and a German even - who's a damn teetotaler??? Jeez. Pathetic. Come up here to Norway somtime, and I'll pour you full of my highly illegal homemade moonshine - to make a man of you! :-)

And when you're all sloshed, I'll make you sign over your rights to your wonderful tablething design! I REALLY want a set of those - keep us posted about further progress, please.