Just my opinions...

1. I don't like the way the words "chamber of commerce" sit...the "of" seems to be too narrow and take away from the "flow"

2. The "P" is too big, I like the font style, don't know if the green marble look fits with your client...would like to see the P smaller and the color changed to a sand color with a texture like adobe. Bevel might be interesting, but would really obscure the "lacitas" details...

3. I like this one, but would go ahead and center "Placitas" on the group rather than the base of the "CP"

4. This one is o.k. but it makes me think of a natural park for some reason??

5. too abstract, but would work well for black and white prints such as letterhead and newsletters...

6. hhmnnn...not sure about this one. Everything is symetrical except the "P" don't know how I feel about this one...

7. The word "PLACITAS" is too hard to read. I had to mentally read it instead of just glancing at it and knowing what it is...

8. Cluttered and abstract...not my favorite.

9. This one is nice and rustic, but I don't understand putting a photo in and then covering 90% of it?

10. Better use of the photo, might fade the photo a little and experiment with font colors to give more contrast. How will this one work if they need a B&W print...

11. don't really care for this one...

12. Love the circle and border font on this one, not sure about the font for the center "P" but like the mountain graphic "is it of the area"?
