Acorn, when you announced (in post #10) that you had drafted a new PDF of instructions, and asked me “does this make any better sense?”, I wrongly assumed that the instructions were aimed at the beginner who knows nothing about code; I assumed this because you offered them to me with full awareness of the fact that I am totally ignorant in this field and that I am self-confessed stupid. After meticulously going over and over again your PDF document of instructions, in a clueless state of confusion, I took it upon myself to clearly indicate where the points of confusion came up. I hope I didn’t cause any offence in doing this, and if I did I apologize.

Yes I have looked at Initiostar’s examples, and the pages, but unfortunately in doing so I didn’t suddenly become enlightened as to the true nature of ‘src’ or any other code term that I have never seen or heard before. (Actually, in the Firefox browser the website player looked more or less identical to the stock Xara player anyway, and is the jet black colour I don’t like.)

So, I am sorry that I still don’t get it, but at least I tried. It could even be that one day I will come back to your PDF instructions and forum posts and I will go, “Aha! Now I know what Acorn meant when he said, such and such.” In the meantime, at least I have an answer to my original post, which is:

“No, there is no MP3 Player out there that you can just import and drop onto a web page, and there is no simple code to copy-paste into a placeholder in Xara. If you want an MP3 Player other than the one Xara offers you are going to have to do a course in reading and writing computer code; and until you have learned the terminology and significance of this code, both in theory and in practice, it would only be a waste of everybody’s time to go on this forum and ask for any help.”