@John, in concept SmartFields are not designed to vary across pages so CurrentPageNumber will not fly.
What is wrong with Insert > Page number?

You can currently easily set up LastPageNumber as a Personal SmartField.

CurrentDate is as problematic. It would have to be coded in.
Here is an example of Xara's current coding for SmartField links:
<span class="xr_tl Normal_text xr_s0" style="top: 0px;">
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)">T</a>
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)">h</a>
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)">i</a>
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)">s</a>
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)"> </a>
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)">i</a>
<a href="<Xara_configurared_name>:website:link" target="_self" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)">s</a>
The link is the text "This is" but Xara has codes every glyph to have the same link detail.
The _self part cannot be altered to _target so you go to a fresh Tab.
You can only format the entire phrase.

It would be cleaner to just insert a JavaScript Placeholder for the Date/Time as all of the above disappears.

I have moved the ask to the Dear Xara Forum.
