Hey all, many thanks for your kind messages! Sorry I was planning to do a little farewell post, so much handing over and finishing off some projects that I forgot.

Yes, my last day was the 17th of September and officially left (and started my new role) on the 4th of October. I thouroughly enjoyed my time at Xara and made many happy memories there.

It was quite emotional leaving. I had been there for 8 years and throughout my 20's (started when I was 22, I'm now 30 lol). Many faces came and went, many friendships made and so many events in my life happened while I was there. I will certainly miss the Xara atmosphere :)

I now work for a IT company that deals with pretty much everything IT related, from support to installation of systems, networking, security, backups etc... Originally I was planning to get away from computers completely lol and maybe do something more physical, like a mechanic or so (I do enjoy working on cars). The annoying thing is when your good with computers, it can be difficult to move away from that haha but this oppotunity came up at this place where a really close friend works and I decided to take it.

It's actually been really fun so far. I had a job just outside Heathrow installing a switch cabinet in some warehouses that was being built, and another job around Camden Market installing and setting up some wireless access points in a directors home (first time actually going to Camden Market, man that was awesome), so I did manage to get away from my desk in the end :)

I am still around though under this name, so feel free to poke me or drop me a message (although keeping in mind I don't have access to any Xara systems lol). You can also find/add me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-d-turner/


(edit: sorry with regards to my successor, there wasn't a direct replacement before I left but I don't know if that has changed now or not. Matt/Neil was handling my manager roles and Bhav my desktop / support duties)