Egg, it's also just plain rude. Whoever created the original SVG artworks in their Stock Illustrations didn't set their dimensions at random, the authors chose a size they deemed appropriate and suitable to the content, and we are talking about people with skills and talent for the most part, but Xara has overruled them to choose an arbitrary and irrelevant 300px, deeming that Xara users can easily amend the size themselves. And indeed they can but whatever size they come up with may not be what the original author intended, and in the case of SVGs like mine, the exact original size is the only appropriate one, and nobody else but me would know what that size was supposed to be without examining the SVG file itself.

I know that SVGs are meant to be re-scalable, but that doesn't mean that all scales are equally useful or appropriate; for many SVGs the actual scale used might not matter much at all, but it's wrong to think that it never matters.

At best Xara could take the view that they are showing a large thumbnail of the original, but to not offer the original sized version as an option could be seen as thoughtless and inconsiderate.

On a related matter I note that Xara17 is now treating things like 'rotation' of objects as specific attributes of an object, so selecting an object will show its current rotation state in the rotate field in the infobar. If you export it as an SVG it now contains the rotation information;

rect x="-113.385" y="-113.385" width="226.771" height="226.771" transform="translate(131.216 695.164) rotate(90)" This is an 8cm blue square but the units are pt as are all Xara SVG exports.

(Xara, I would like to choose the export unit, pretty please, or at least have it use the current user unit.)

This was from my sizing experiments in Xara17 a day or two ago. I'm still tweaking my SVGKam SVG loader code, and having this kind of stuff in them is useful for making sure my code is robust enough to handle them properly.


Edit: Ha, just saw Handrawn's crosspost! Egg's 300px came I think from his video where he used my 2nd ship counter which of course was the 300px resized SVG import of my original smaller ship counter.