Hi Starmo. I also upload using Filezilla, rather than from Xara. Its easier and non-problematic. What service do use for the xml sitemap? I use a free sitemap service. Just download the sitemap to your Web Export folder for your site, and then upload it via Filezilla. Your site is displaying well on my mobile, but you may have overlooked Fetch as Google (in Webmaster tools), where you can select Mobile or Desktop. Fetch as Google is under the heading CRAWL, which is also where the Sitemap heading is located. You need to Fetch as Google for both the desktop and the mobile sites. You can also help your SEO if you give your page a longer title. At the moment it says Essex Towbars. You could try Essex Towbars | Towbar Service in Essex to give yourself a better chance of being found in google. Perhaps also attribute this title onto some of the images and objects on your page to help with your SEO. Right click individually on every object/pic and choose Web Properties. In the Web Properties choose IMAGE, and go to Image Caption (alt text) and type in any title that has your keywords in it. Keep it under 74 characters, as google does not include characters after that number.