Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
where is the [grid] mesh warp in xara [that expression had in 2003, and affinity photo and adobe both have] - the mould tool in xara is not up to the job at all
where are the print proofing tools for cmyk [that affinity photo and adobe have]
I've promised Gary that I won't be mean to you again, so I'll keep this brief. You are comparing Xara, a structured art program (vector) with a few bitmap editing features, to image editing applications (raster). They are two entirely separate classes of graphics software. This is amply illustrated by the software you chose to compare Xara to - both Adobe and Serif (Affinity) keep their raster and vector tools largely separate, partly so they can force you to pay twice for their products but probably also because it would be really hard to design something to do both like Xara can. If I sat here and typed out all the things Xara can do that Photoshop and Affinity Photo can't do, I'd be up half the night so I'll just give you one example - I can create something Xara and export it as a PDF file for printing, a PNG or TGA file for digital advertising and as a website, complete with all the interactivity you might want or need. All from the same .xar file without the need for any modification. That's Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and Dreamweaver all replaced with a single, low-cost application that does it faster and more efficiently. It's absolutely freakin' awesome and I feel sorry for you if you are so caught up in the one or two features you'd like that aren't there that you can't see and appreciate that.