At first let me congratulation to Matt, new CEO!

I've plenty clients they will do correct some things in there Website by them self.
I do my Webdesign the mostly with Xara and so I'd thought to do this for my clients it can be done wth the OnlineDesigner.

But whats up? I'd tried to load a page i create. No success. It is no possible to load an existing Xara-Webfile. Only over the Cloud. To do correction on the fly – only if You have hosted the site on the Xara-Server. Dropbox for some documetns, o.k. Thats it!

O.K. I thought by my self, try a CMS. But Xara and CMS – only Xt-CMS works well with Xara. But multiple fields – no. Costs: 69,-€/domain. To expensiv for a faulty thing.

After long surch, I must say I was blind because I'm owner of a CC-License but have never look at, I fond my answer.

ADOBE-MUSE! And the Service behind: In-Browser Editing! More info:

My clients are now able to change text, pics, links etc. Easy for me and my clients.

So pls Xara give the (no matter why You develop this thing I'll never use in future) Online Designer the same abbility (than I'll use it and my clients. The name Xara becomes than maybe more attention and popularity).

Greets from Germany