Quote Originally Posted by lex View Post
Dear Gary,

I am not sure why you should not be able to use Montax for this. It supports 1UP-imposition (most other impo programs do not!) and you can reprocess the Xara PDF with different margins for left and right. The result is a normal PDF (with normal pages, crop marks and other additions are not required). I suggest you try their demo.
I use Montax Pro. Great application and I highly recommend it for people needing to do imposition. And it would work for setting different margins, I suppose. But I've never tried it.

It doesn't in any way resolve other issues that master pages or layout applications do by nature.

Ya know, QXP has moved on a bit since 1992, Lex. XDP isn't in any way as capable as Q or ID or PagePlus (which I believe Gary has) nor even Viva Designer. And it never will be that. XDP now has a (very) little bit of OT Feature support, it needs more love in this department, but even what is has needs fixed/fleshed out. I design fonts. I cannot test anything but the most simple OT Features in XDP and even those (like ligatures) can only have bog standard ways implemented in the OT Lookups.

Further, there seems to be an issue with the encoding of fonts in XDP. Now, I think this is one of the issues that have been fixed but as of yet not released.

I do books, technical manuals, catalogs, etc as a job. If I had to use XDP for these layout tasks, I think I would go insane and I know my bottom line would shrivel up.