Hi everyone,

I have not yet purchased any Xara products and was interested by the web designer version at 99 dollars.
I have read a lot of your threads but I am very confused about the way the software and all the financial things work.

Could you please help me with this, I would like to purchase the web designer premium but I am worried with this:

1)From some of the threads I read, it looks like there is some content in the software that expires after 1 year.
Could anyone explain this please? I find this really strange, especially if your purchase the software for 99 dollar, it should come with it's own content otherwise it is in fact a subscription model which is not well explained upon purchase.

2)It is my understanding from another thread that the designs produced with the web designer premium product are not responsive, instead you have a lot of different web sizes, is this true? But would this not make the PHP integration more difficult?(one integration per web size)

3)I am not understand the thing about the version you are left with when you have to reinstall the full software later on, let's say today I buy the version(example) v10 and in 8 months there is an update to v10.2, but on month 13, my computer breakdowns and I have to reinstall the whole software, will I be able to reinstall the version v10.2?? or will I be back to v10? If I am back to v10 then this does not make any sense at all.

4)If there is some kind of subscription with only content, is there a way to download locally all of that content and not bother about the subscription the year after? Can you important your own design assets?

I will wait for your replies before buying because I am really worried to be stuck in a subscription software(this is the reason I have left photoshop).

Thank you all!