Hey guys, I just bought a new computer and installed xara x (1.0d cd version) onto windows 98 SE.

For some reason though xara x crashes every time I exit the program http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

I have installed new video drivers, updated direct x, but I have no idea why it keeps doing this.

I have 512 mb ram and never had this problem before when xara was running on win98 on my old pc.

Can someone please offer any suggestion (other than to upgrade OS) to solve this problem?? http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

PS: I notice this problem might have something to do with missing 'fonts'. When I open a xar file that contains fonts that I don't have installed in my new computer, a pop window will appear saying "Some fonts have been substited..." - below there is an OK and a HELP button.

Normally by this time, the progress bar has finished loading the document and all I have to do is click OK to continue.

However, for some reason before pressing the OK or HELP button, the progress bar loads the xara file again (yes a second time) and the popup window concerning the missing fonts automatically disappears.

The problem with this is that if I were to close the program by accident, xara doesn't ask me for a confirmation - it just crashes! Also if I were to edit the document, the save icon at the top does not work (it's faded out).

I found one solution to this problem and that is to hit escape while xara is reloading the document a second time when the font warning window appears. Doing this will allow you to hit OK.

However, that's only a quick fix and wondering if anyone knows how I can stop xara from re-loading that document a second time during the 'font warning' popup window? Please help!!

[This message was edited by Clif on March 05, 2004 at 21:26.]