To add, part of the frustration felt by at least myself is the seeming lack of actual application functionality updates, especially in the OT features and vector capabilities realm. Text styles are funky to use and needs rethought, etc.

Not to mention I have given up on ever seeing a JavaScript API guide--so much so I have abandon any care that it is ever released.

Which pretty much sums up my feelings about OT Features ever being implemented (and implemented properly and intuitively ala CD) and new, better, additional vector capabilities.

XDP has been fairly stagnant since I purchased my first license with version 6. The only real vector capabilities I personally take note of are the shape builder and eraser--I use them and have even hesitated to request any enhancement as I have given up hope of significant changes to what is otherwise the best, fastest vector drawing application available.

OpenType Features have been available to the wider market since 2002. Why are they not available in XDP?