I'm trying to work out how to add and later edit data from an xls file.
The data is constantly eight columns wide, but the number of rows need to able to be edited at some point.

What I want as an end result, is a link-per-row to an image. Say I have twenty rows, but will need to be able to insert/delete some rows of data later on.

Is there a straightforward way to get an xls file in a WD page, and be able to edit it on the page?

This is what I've come up with so far:
I've managed to get the data into a Xara webpage by selecting all the xls cells I want, then copying them.
To paste them, I've found I can do this by pasting, using “Rich text format (don't match)”

Then using the selector tool, I can select one row of data, then “web properties” to add a link to the selection.
This seems to work OK so far.
I can also select a row of data, then delete it, without moving the following rows upwards.

What I'll need to be able to do when updating a page, is to insert a complete row of data (text?) at a chosen row (say row ten, for example).
So within the existing page I will already have, can I somehow shift rows 11-20 down a row, then add row of data in the space where row ten was?