Hi all, thanks for the forum and hope you can help me.
Have returned to CDR (X7) after some years because I wanted to do (what I thought was ) a simple technical line drawing that involves arcs of varying length and start points around a common centre. No fancy graphics or even colour, just a descriptive diagram with explanatory text. I have access to Illustrator but the learning curve is too steep, is as intuitive as a spastic walrus and having had considerable success with CDR 6 many years ago thought I'd stick with the vaguely familiar.
I envisioned making one arc then duplicating it in place then adjusting the arc by simply dragging the nodes around the circumference to achieve the new size and position, scale the arc from the centre to achieve the required radii then repeat as needed.
But no. Moving nodes just send lines spearing all over the screen regardless of whatever combination of SHIFT, CTRL and ALT is used to constrain them. Have Googled extensively but just get advice on using CTRL D to add nodes to a circumference, but CTRL D only duplicates the object, or overlaying two arcs and rotating them differently to achieve the different start points and lengths. This fails because positioning the pivot points cannot be accurate enough to ensure the two arcs overlap exactly when rotated.
They are only examples of workarounds for what must surely be a straight forward vector graphic function. I would post an example of what I am trying to do but then I wouldn't require any assistance.
Thanks in advance.