"Will they ever, or should they implement Tweening and ActionScrip?"

Would be nice but...

I can see Macromedia all over Xara like Adobe did them. Unless Flash is open source. Is it? Is that the correct term? I believe "Swish", a text effects editor for flash exports ready animated swf's. Never tried it but that's the same point we're raising here. Xara may not have wanted to go that far by implementing extra "flash" features like tweening and such. They're leary about bloating program code for what they may deem unnecessary. The release is overdue enough.

I finally got it to crash today. I tried to contour a WMF with a ton of points. The redraw was very unXara-like. Super slow like their estranged cousin Draw! Hope they work it out. It looks good and is a decent price as an upgrade.