
Just started working with Designer Pro X10 and going to be using same for Print Work more so than the web.

I was wondering if there's any quick way while designing to VIEW just the page within its dimensions and not
the other background or other extended graphics going into the bleed area.

Not sure if I'm explaining this correctly so please bearwith. Basically have a layout that will print say 9 x 6
with a bleed. I extend my bg and other things into the bleed but what I'm looking at ISN'T of course what will be the final image.
However, I'm finding it a bit difficult to arrange (centering especially) "visually" if you know what I mean.

With that said, is there a view that I can access or toggle that will ONLY show my layout that would show what
it would look like without bleed area?

Sorry for the redundancy but its been a very long day.

Most grateful for any help whatsoever.

OH...one more question.

I just purchased DP10 and XARA's sending a manual.
Is that a large, easy to read manual or should I have
the PDF printed out locally at a Kinkos type biz?

Again , thanks in advance for any thoughts and help!
