I don't have time to recreate the poster. If you send me a completed one via email, I would be happy to play with it in between work periods.

In looking at the files you do have, a couple thoughts. I think one reason that the Firehouse example is a better read is because of the head not touching the text issue mentioned in the thread. I think the pink for the head is off considering the subject. All the chips are running into the bleed, which deemphasizes them somewhat (a good thing). I think the originals, slightly lighter green for the felt also deemphasizes the felt area. I would probably lessen the size of the suit brush (and change make them red/black). I would size the cards a bit smaller, move the head up/left a bit and make it smaller. I would make the roulette area larger. For the Firehouse example, I think the text is appropriately colored. Making it larger along with the roulette wheel would be good.

For the Ladies' Night Out example, I think a strong pink text color may be suitable.
