In a minor defense of The Xara Group, no they do not use Web Designer to build, for the same reason we do not use Xara software to build the Xara Xone site. It's not apparent to me what software Xara uses, but I can tell you that we use WordPress with a custom template Barbara designed to make the site feasible and extensible for future needs. How can you possibly plan for the future without a content managment node in place...we've already generated over a thousand pages in the past 3 years—can Web Designer move, index, and edit this volume of data?

We use a Content Management System, CSS/JavaScript, and it's simply not possible to deliver the organization and quality of the site using a program intended for small, beautiful websites.

I don't believe in three-legged races when the best solution to a graphics problem is right on your hard drive, but one feels some sense of loyalty to a program to the extent that you're doing something the hard way. And I'll get back to splash screen in a moment, Frank.

• I use Xara Designer for short DTP needs, flyers and posters. Also for exporting AI files to modeling programs, and not least, for drawing fine art (and commercial art). And truthfully, Xara v 10 is open on my Desktop from morning to end, because it's a hub for all the other content I generate, to finish a piece. I'm used to assembling works in Xara, for about 20 years.

• I use InDesign for long documents, that need formatting options as rich as MS Word.

• I use MS-Word for word processing and don't even try to make it a dtp program because it's not.

• I use Adobe Photoshop because...c'mon; what else is there for retouching-intensive photos at a pixel level? Plus, I've used it for more than 20 years, so like Xara—why change what works?

• I use modo and Cinema 4D and occasionally Maxwell Render for modeling and rendering work. I'm trying to understand modo better, but it's currently good for importing my C4D models and animating some of them. It's rendering engine runs neck to neck with Maxwell render. When I want something that is virtually realistic, I use Maxwell render. C4D fits my need for modeling and sculpting and animation, because I think it's one of the three programs out there that has every feature anyone could ask for in animation options.

It's taken me almost a decade to afford to buy this stuff, and more than a year discovering the best of the best.

Because I've been burned by Adobe, Aldus, Caligari, and Western Digital, I see no sense in product loyalty. They provided good software for a time, and then the companies changed. It's naive to continue to fight for a product that doesn't even fight for itself,no less its customers.


Big Frank—yes, I admit I was being defensive earlier inthis thread. But I was being defensive about my talent, and not about customer loyalty and drawing my idea in Xara, even though it was intended as a graphic for a Xara product.

I've written almost 30 books on various software, and my dirty little secret is that I've used Xara for every stinking EPS file Macintosh production houses need.

Not one has failed, not one was recognized as a Windoz export, and I'm pretty happy with this feature, as is the publisher and the reader.

My Best,
