
I have had Photoshop 6 for the last 5 or 6 weeks.

If you can get help by pressing F1, then you are one of the lucky ones. A lot of people on the Adobe forum cannot get it to work. I cannot UNLESS my browser is open. If I do not have a running browser I do not get help.

Think of all the resources that have to be given up to run IE5 or other, just to get help.

Personally I find it useless as it is just the Photoshop book in HTML format. The XARA help has much more information in it.

Also as far as I can tell the Photoshop help is not context sensitive.

Actually I have removed everything to do with Adobe Online.

I also hope that you are one of the lucky ones(I am) that is not having trouble with running Photoshop 6. There have been problems with networks and removable media.

Mike Engles