Quote Originally Posted by olledahl View Post
I am running Win 7 Home Premium, English version.
Now I am using Xara Designer Pro X10.

The program by default has white text on a dark gray background. But when I open the "New from Content Catalogue" from the menu the teext in the dialog box is bright blue on a white background.
Why does trends in graphics have to occur in programs like XDPX10?
When I work I need to be able to easily and fast find what I am looking for and has no need for fashion trends.


Yikes, tried the Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S and lost all my customization :-( (yes, as I contorted my hand and fingers to do this and hit Enter, I remembered that it wasn't a clever thing to do, but too late!)

Isn't there a way that can be saved, as in PaintShop Pro where I can save a custom workspace, well, lots of custom workspaces :-)
Very very handy.
I have often wondered about this.
Oh dear, now I have to do the whole Xara custom toolbar thing again.. grrr
