Is this where to post How Do I for the Web software?
I posted this question using a ticket direct to Xara this past Monday but am still waiting for an answer. What is their normal turnaround time.
The obvious problem with this method as opposed to phone or e-mail support is that one's work goes on hold while awaiting a response.

I'm in the process of going through the manual to learn the program and expect to start my Site soon. My previous experience with Web software has been FrontPage.
I tried others but they were all disappointing. I'm expecting Xara will work out fine.

I have a few opening questions. Is it okay to submit them all at once here or preferable one at at a time ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I will be starting from scratch instead of using a template. How do I set up a Header. How about a Footer that will repeat on subsequent pages? The navigation bar will most likely be above the header.
That is once I learn how to create one.

Is creating a rectangle the way to make a banner? Like maybe for a header. The headers will be different on each page.

I don't see a way to change the color of text from black.

When looking through the Design Gallery the pages of the various themes I clicked on stayed open. How are they closed?

Here is my current site which I will be recreating with this program.