I currently have Xara 9 premium and contemplated upgrading to 10, but having serious issues with the chocolate theme I think I need to address first. When I view my website on my phone (iphone and Android) it cuts off the left side of my pages on my website. Even viewing the template theme as-is it cuts it off. I have added coding and even removed the coding below, but it still did not fix the issue: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> or <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">. Also, when I preview the website before publishing, the navigation works correctly, drop down when mouse over resources, then retracts when mouse off. The menu hi-lights a darker color when mouse over as well. However, when I published it the drop down gets stuck in the drop down view and doesn’t retrack when mouse off and the menu does not hi-light dark. Do I need to change the order of my layers, change menu pop-up formats, or adjust margins somewhere to fix all this stuff? My site is www.skippastep.magix.net. Please keep in mind I am very new to web building with absolutely no coding skills and will require hand-holding to figure this out.