Hi folks,

I'd appreciate your suggestions, please ...

On three of my web pages in Web Designer 9 Premium, I typed left-and-right-justified text (in one block) in paragraphs, with a blank line between the paragraphs. The text looks fine on the pages, but once published and viewed in Firefox or Internet Explorer, this is an example of how it looks:

"Welcome, fellow reader! This is my official website as a fiction writer and
Feel free to read the first few pages . . ."

Another example from the same page:

"On a personal note, I am a long-time resident of Vancouver Island, and have lived in Glenora, six kilometres southwest of Duncan, for over 11 years. I garden, tend a small orchard, am an amateur photographer and volunteer in several
Thanks for stopping by, and happy browsing!"

I tried retyping the entire text block, but got the same result.

All the best, and thanks for any suggestions you can make to resolve this problem.


Gail Robertson