Hi Guys,

Just tying up a few last things on my website www.image23.fr.

I have added a shop to facebook and all is straightforward, except my website has a black BG and hence has White Text, as you know Facebook has a white BG and my text appears invisible.

I really had a good look around to see a soloution, thinking that all I needed to do was to make the ECWID container Black instead of transparent and therefore would show up in the FB page, but I can not see anything in the CSS to enable me to do it.

So either I have to change pretty much my colour scheme of my site, which I am really happy with or not have a shop on FB.

Can anyone advise if a workaround is available.

Prob No2

I have a bi-lingual site in Eng and Fr and when making changes I can't make use on repeat on all pages option, is there a clever way of being able to use the option as it makes updating time consuming.

Thanks in advance,