Hi Guys,

I had so many problems with my old (new) website and have started a new one from scratch. All is going well and have learned a lot in the past 2 weeks however, I have a photo in about me page which will only partially load.

I have tried uploading with both the Xara and filezilla (even exporting it to my desktop and doing it from there.

The really frustrating thing is that on one of the uploads the about me photo came up perfectly and thought I'd cracked it. I Went in to resize it and a few other changes to the other pages and uploaded and now the photo only partially loads.

I have tried using a photo gallery frame putting the jpeg in there and putting the jpg directly on the page both with the same results.

Can some kind soul go and have a look at www.image23.fr.

I am using ie11 as a browser, but have also used firefox and chrome to look at it but they are all the same view.