I am just enjoying using my Xara web software in a learning process. It's just for fun and is not an important creation. That said, I have discovered something I did not know. I have been creating one or two pages and experimenting with various lessons on how to connect things together etc. Then I have been publishing it to my site. Each time it was all new web pages and I expected it would overwrite everything there.

Just the other day by typing in my .com address into Google several things showed up. Including some pages I post to my site many months I believed I had overwritten them with new stuff. When I published the new creations I expected them to overwrite all existing pages. Question is how to I remove the page I don't want on there. they do not showing up when I type in my .com name, but only when I search the .com plus a / (forward slash) and the name of that page I created long ago. Example: http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/filename.htm

Sorry to be so uninformed, but just trying to enjoy my new hobby of using Xara and a web site.