
Nice to know there is another Ventura nut out there. I too use Ventura for just about everything although I'm still on version 8 as I still use Win98SE.

It certainly has an awful lot more power than many of these other so-called page layout packages and there are several features I would certainly miss by moving to another package.

Yes, we use use Pageplus here but there are some features of Ventura that I would miss a great deal if I were to move to PagePlus or Pagemaker or In Design etc. on a permanent basis. One thing that must be remembered though is that the current version of Ventura is 10 which will only work on Win2000Pro or XP. Since I have neither and what I already have has more features than I shall ever want, I'm happy with version 8.


How the blazes did you get PagePlus 10 for 49GBP. I had to pay 59.95GBP!
