Greetings from Louisiana. I just purchased this fantastic program. I've managed my current site since 1998 and did it myself with an old program using HTML code. It was a real plain paper website and I had 55 individual pages/files to upload to get it going. As such, whenever I needed to update something I would edit a page and FTP JUST that page/file to my site.

I've only begun to play with my index page with Xara but it looks like All the pages are in one file????? If so, then when I publish I'd have to FTP just one file named index.html??

I'm looking for clarification or correction? I saw a page name option but wondered why? If they are really just pages in a single file.

I'm watching videos in you tube (134 of them), videos on the Xara site, and the manual.

Of any of you have other suggestions, I'm all ears. And apologies for any in correctness. I'm a retired vet in his 60's and not as quick as I used to be! Haha