Ok.... one last question (LOL) The "Advanced Comment System" I'm trying to use requires that a <body onload= event take place immediately upon page loading. Xara WD MX8 obviously adds it's own body tags during creation, but no matter what I've tried (website BODY html, page BODY html, or placeholder BODY html options) it places my additional tag at the very bottom of the page, as seen in notepad+.

It's for a php widget and I haven't uploaded it yet to my host to test, but I suspect it may fail. Preemptively, I'm trying to find a method in-app to "append" my code to the existing body tag without corrupting everything. It will be easy enough to do it manually after any final edits in Xara via notepad+, but if I use Xara later to edit the page, it gets lost or overwritten. Below are my tags:

Xara's current entry
<body style="background-image:url('index_htm_files/261.png')">
What I require to be appended to the above
<body onload="ACS_init();">
What I'd like to happen in-app
<body onload="ACS_init();" style="background-image:url('index_htm_files/261.png')">

Thanx in advance....... again!