Oh wow, yeah. I guess that can all work the same. I didn't realize you can snap to the grid, and that you can specify the grid size and can change the stroke size to any fraction. So you're right, I have total control with only using lines. No use in using excel, though that would be good for doing it on the fly.

Actually, the length from one end to the other does not matter. The only thing that matters is the thickness of the curve, that's what a sankey is. It's like a bar graph, where the thickness of the bar is represents the value... but with Sankey, there are curves connecting bar graphs. You don't know if one can be an "expert" on sankey diagrams, what you see is all they are
If you're talking about aesthetics with sankeys, that's always a different issue with everything.

Sankeys are the best way to visualize information, and it will catch on eventually. Hopefully something like that tool would be integrated into excel and other programs.
This is still the best sankey I've seen.
Though it might look like 3 bar graphs connected, it's actually more like showing 30 bar/pie charts at once. If you wanted to for example show "what energy source goes into Iron & Steel", you'd have to show that as a separate bar/pie.
Pay attention to the thickness of the lines, they don't change, as the values don't change between 2 ends.

Look at the following, and pay a

I make videos about how to do this stuff, so eventually I'll do it and post it here

And by the way, I posted the same question here, and got some interesting responses, especially with a nice image at the end with the grid and a tool you can add to illustrator called "connect"... though I'm not sure if that will be useful:
"Connect": http://www.astutegraphics.com/products/subscribe

Thanks for your help, you and the guy above solved the problem L