Hi All,

Our existing website has grown to the size where it's too slow to move between pages in WDMXP and so am toying with the idea of splitting up the website into different sections and placing them in folders on our Host.

My questions are:
1 - in doing the above, will the Xara sitemap be able to allocate/find properly the pages in the different folders rather than just uploading a sitemap for the section I'm publishing at that point in time?
2 - in working on the different areas, when I upload them, will I end up with multiple sitemaps?
3 - in splitting up the website in different folders, will I end up with multiple 'index' pages?
4 - question three reminds me of this 4th question which is this: I've uploaded the website as one single website, so not split up. But... it appears that automatically, I've got two home pages. One is www.mobileremaps.co.uk the other is www.mobileremaps.co.uk/index. Why does it do this and how do I stop this from happening. I'm told by my SEO guy that for a new website it's not so important but then as a website grows and is seen as more relevant, you could get penalised in natural rankings due to duplicate content.

thanks for your help