Yesterday I spent hours trying to create a functional image map.

The image was a pallet with paint dabs which were the click links. This was to go in an existing page I do for our local Arts Association.

I exported the file as sliced and the preview looked beautiful, but when I copied and pasted the code into the gallery page plus all the gifs associated with it, uploaded it I was horrified to see that it was all in distorted pieces with missing areas of the background. I copied absolutely every thing so that wasn't the problem.

Back to Xara, I twiddled with everything making double sure everything was named and linked results were still terrible.... the preview still looked wonderful though.

About 10 attempts later I went to export again and a dialog (or The dialog box) had an option to insert into an existing HTML file. I chose that option and Yeah!!! it worked and looked like it should.

NOW get this when I looked at the html coding that was inserted into the existing file there was all kinds lines of coding that was non-existant in the file I had been trying to copy and paste from. If anyone wants to see the two of them to see the difference I can e-mail it to them.

So here is the problem, this afternoon I created another sliced image map as a learning re-enforcment. When I was ready to export, I chose a folder that I had created a basic html page. Try as I might I never saw the option to export into an existing file. WHERE IS IT?????

P.S. Found a really neat thing today (on accident). I had some neat looking bitmap patterns in the Bitmap Gallery. I had an oval which I filled with a four color fill I meant to change it to a bitmap fill, but somehow clicked the transparency icon instead and chose bitmap as the transparency method. Wow! the pattern (not the color) of the bitmap showed up on the 4 color fill.