is there a way to turn off the optimisation of 24bit bitmaps ['photos'] when importing? - I can suppress the message about 'import reduced /import original' [on a session basis], but the message about 'this image would be better compressed as a JPG file' is not helpful to someone who don't use JPG files at all when drawing .. and worse, it appears to come in at 96dpi like it or not - the utilities > options > view 'import at dpi specified in the image file' does not seem to overide it - so I get greyscale [and index] still coming in at my standard 300dpi but 24bit resized to 96dpi - out of sync

I maybe can set all to come in at 96 dpi, but that is then going to make things out of sync when I export at 300dpi

this is not helpful [I think I already said that] - but maybe I am just missing something - any fixes to the program or my understanding gratefully received...

edit: I really do not want to have to manually resize in the program everytime....