Thanks for the help...first time an have a great site...really pleased with XARA...Im having a bit of difficulty with publishing. Ive made sure my first page in the page & layers is "index", but when the files get to the cpanel the index file is named " Firstwebsiteabc.htm. When you try to reach it via web you just see all the filenames etc without the website loading. I go in and manually change that file to index index.htm, and the site loads...great. But the issue is then that with like 6 pages in the site, it clicks thru fine but when you try from any page to click on home (i.e. the index page), it wont go back to the home index page and I just see the nasty error screen from the webhost.

1) Why isnt the site publishing initially with with index as index, instead of labeling the index file with another name?

2) Since the site actually works now after ive manually change the index file name at the host, what do i need to do to get the nav bars back in sync?

Thanks a million...appreciate the help!