I'm sure this has been covered in the forums but even following the instructions for inserting Facebook plugins I'm still a little confused as there are different languages to download and there are to sets of code to down load.

For example you can choose to down load HTML5, XFMBL & Iframe. Then there is the code to each script, The HTML5 and XMBL have 2 sets of and the iframe has one code.

When I try to use the Iframe code, XWDP7 crashes, meaning that my work disappears and i have to close and reopen.

Then if i try to use the HTML5 and Iframe, i put the one main code in the website HTML header, and then put the plugin code in the body of the place holder body, It appears that it tries to make a placeholder but it is not visible and you can only see the box corner markers and in preview mode it does not appear as well.

Is there a more advanced set of directions for using Facebook plugin's as i would really like to use the comments pluggen but and the simple like button.

any direction in this matter would be much appreciated.
