Laura was bitten by a Great Dane on her lip. Big dog, not so big lip. She was on a walk and returned bleeding. It was difficult to find help on a holiday, but there was a place open fairly near us. The wound was very severe and needed a Plastic Surgeon. So, the next stop was ER. She entered the hospital with me shortly behind. A little to far behind as she had disappeared. It was later in the evening, but I found a person roving about and ask for help. she was helpful, but didn't have any idea. A guy sitting in the lobby said they had taken the to ER. The worker had all the magic keys to the short path. ER had no record, but we found she hadn't checked in yet. Then we waited for about four hours. They had to call in a surgeon. So, bitten at noon, surgery started at 9. 60 stitches. The running for meds and home by 1:00.
