Quote Originally Posted by Toonicorn View Post
Looks like I made a big mistake buying Xara - an expensive mistake. Let the buyer beware, I guess.
Say what? Let the buyer beware of what, exactly? All Xara products come with a fully functional 30 day trial and a full 30 day money back guarantee. Almost 60 full days to discover if you like Xara's product(s) and their features/functions. That's more than enough time to discover that there isn't any eraser, which several people have indicated that you really don't need, anyway.

Have you taken a whack at the tutorial that I provided a link for back in Post #22? If you don't like the Rubber Ducky, there are years of excellent tutorials on The XaraXone. Pick one and give it a go. If you spend a little time learning the tools available in the application, instead of spending time lamenting about an eraser that isn't available, the payoff will be huge. Why erase when you can directly manipulate and position the lines & objects? There are thousands of fantastic images made with Xara products posted on TG and, unless they were pre- or post-processed using another application, not one of them has needed an eraser tool to be completed.

That said, not every software application is for everyone. I must admit that CorelDraw frustrates me to no end.

Don't give up,