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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: real estate web site - Overview List - Any good Idea ??

    Dear all,

    This is quite an old thread I'm digging up, however, I'm in more or less the same position as the OP:

    I have already designed and build my complete real estate website. The last thing to add now are the actual listings. I already started doing those by just listing them on a page in Xara WD and then gave each object a 'learn more' button for to link to another page with more detailed info. However, I have come to the conclusion that it is very time consuming making updates to the listing as I will have to move everything by hand if I want to add or delete one item. And it is easy to mess up as well, especially if you take in consideration that I would like my employees to update the listings as well. Final remark is the lack of a search engine. My former webpage did not have this either but the diversity of the listings is growing and I would like to be prepared for the future if our portfolio expands.

    My current 'quick' solution is to put the listings in excell and simply save that file as an html page and upload it. My Xara website links to that (not so nice) html page and all the listings are shown with a 'learn more' link back to the detailed project page on the Xara website. For the time being this works, yet still without a search engine.

    So, a solution needs to be found imho. I am not going to throw away all the hours of work of my webpage so I prefer linking my Xara website to a database, which on its turn links back to the 'detailed' page of each property on my Xara website. The time pressure is starting to get bigger as I aimed at a compleat 'site renewal' at new years day (to have an easy milestone also in combination with new e-mail adresses ecc.). I've already checked out Joomla once but it appeared pretty complex at first glance and, since it is for my listings only, I obviously prefer something I do not have to 'learn'.

    I hope that in the meantime (the OP asked this question 5 years ago!) somebody has come up with a great solutions?

    Edit: I've found this thread where-in is spoken about a $400 database program which can be embedded into Xara. I'm not afraid to pay money, though have to be sure that it will work? /Edit

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by sjeupie; 17 December 2011 at 06:47 PM.



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