Thank goodness for the auto backup feature in WD7! I made a slight change to a client site and clicked SAVE. Part way through, WD7 froze up. I had to reboot - couldn't even terminate the program. After reboot, tried to open the file and it said unreadable file. Near panic. I did a search on this forum for corrupt file and saw a thread about the backup directory (I had forgotten about it). I found it on my Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\Bob.RWR\Local Settings\Application Data\Xara\WebDesignerPremium\7.0\Backups

I copied the latest backup into my client directory and voila - it opened! I normally save new versions every so often (clientweb1, clientweb2, etc.) just in case something like this happens... except in this case my previous version saved was a week old and I had done hours of work since then. If you do not have Auto Backup turned on, I highly recommend you turn it on!