I would like to use Xara Xtreme/Designer Pro to create slides for a presentation. Rationale: I am used to Xara, and many of the graphics are already in Xara format.

  • Device independence. I will not show the slides on my computer. So Xara will most likely not be available.
  • Resolution independence. The resolution of the screen/projector is unknown.
  • There should be an easy way to flip through the slides, forward and backward, e.g. using the cursor keys left/right, or using the left/right mouse buttons.
  • Support for simple click-through animations.

So far I see three solutions:
  • Create a multi-page document and export to PDF. Problem: I would have to do without animations. Though I could still, for example, create a list of items that is completed click by click.
  • Create an interactive Flash animation. Here the problem is that I don't see a good way to switch between slides. Of course, I could include next and previous buttons. But that seems cumbersome to implement, and during the presentation I don't want to move around a mouse.
  • Create a web-based slide show, now supported in Xara Designer Pro 7. Haven't investigated that thoroughly yet. However, the examples that I tried didn't convince me, didn't work smoothly. Furthermore there is no simple way to switch between slides. And, the result will most likely not be resolution independent.

Any ideas?