Sorry for the long posting but, I think it's important to understand the background and observation to understand my question on this one...

BackGround: Like anyone with a website, I want to get it as high as possible on the search findings without paying for advertising. I have a big website. So to help my sanity as well as the Xara program, I split it up and uploaded it to the sub-folder 'Ecu Remapping' [not sub-directory] of my host. All is OK. Also, when creating my website, I have what I call the top level [horizontal] menu for my site's clients and the sub level [vertical menu] for my sites clients all showing on the same webpage. If you look at the link provided you'll see what I mean.

1st Observation: Let's say you're on the page above and decide to click on the 'Alloy Wheels' button. The URL at the top won't become It will just change to

So the above shows that what I have placed as a sub menu, isn't actually a sub menu but is a menu that is on the same level as what I call my top level menu.

2nd Observation: If I do a search for 'auto evolution chip tuning'.. the 2nd returned result is but... if I search for 'auto evolution ecu remapping' then the above result doesn't appear at all... even though 'ecu remapping' [which is my sub-folder's name] for auto evolution is higher up the pecking order than 'chip tuning' is!

My Questions:

1 - within the navigation bar properties dialog box, if I double click on 'add menu' and publish that change, will that new button be a 1st [higher] level menu button or a 2nd [sub] level - the 2nd level being what I need for SEO purposes?

2 - It appears to me that for SEO purposes, sub folders are not taken into consideration [otherwise I'm sure I wouldn't have observed my 2nd observation above] so... does anyone know if sub domains are taken into account for seo purposes rather than sub folders?

3 - perhaps this might be a question for my host company I don't know... but, if you create a sub folder as I've done, once you've uploaded your files to that sub folder, can you then move those files to the main folder within your host so that every sublevel of your site is taken into account for seo purposes rather than it skipping a part [namely the subfolder itself]?

4 - I've just observed as I've been typing this that my 'main' horizontal menu buttons [home, about, repairs etc] aren't showing as navigation bars when I right click on them but, my 'sub' menu [the vertical ones] do show as navigation bars when I right click on them... how do I therefore convert my horizontal buttons into a navigation bar?

thanks all!