Hi all,
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right area or not.
However - I have edited a video using Windows Live Movies, that I want to publish to my site.
I read the help section (Xara6) and it said that I could simply drag & drop video onto my page, or select the video file and import it.
I tried this but it didn't work. I am assuming that I need to convert the video file or something. I checked the 'file properties' and they are called 'wimp' files.

Can anyone give me some straightforward procedures that I can follow so I can put video on my site.
Should I export to youtube and then imbed from you tube to my site? Can I convert Windows Live Movies files easily?

This is my first time attempting this so any help is appreciated. Or maybe there is a tutorial somewhere that you can guide me to.

Thanks and best regards,