Hi there,

thanks for the above but, I must be doing something wrong as it's not working for me... so if you could help me further I would be grateful!

1 - my root directory is public_html
2 - I created a new subdirectory within public_html called 'ecu_remaps_a-l'. All files relating to ECU remaps for brands and models that fall within this category have been uploaded to this folder.
3 - what I understand from the links above is that the navigation button link should therefore read my domain/subfolder. So I've set the link for the relevant navigation button as: http://www.auto-evolution.co.uk/ecu_remaps_a-l as you can see here: http://www.auto-evolution.co.uk/www....ecu_remaps_a-l

However, what the above leads to is a HTTP: 404 Not Found error message.

So what is going wrong??

One thing to note is that when I publis from Xara to my host... all files need to be uploaded to the subfolder 'public_html' But I don't know how I would put this into the navigation bar's link as 'public_html' doesn't show in any of the webpages when they're uploaded.

I hope the above makes sense?!

thank you!