Quote Originally Posted by Megg81 View Post
Unless there's anything someone can spot in the two comparisons that I should know about!
(and I hope Im ok to post these links here for these purposes, Im not sure...)

123reg starter package


GoDaddy Economy

-and I may have to break my site built in Xara into sections as another member recommended, I think from that you have to upload the seperate sections as seperate files (?) I dont know if that affects anything with regards to if that kind of thing is possible with most hosts or if you can only upload one file on some (apologies if my questions seem a little simple...)
I've used GoDaddy hosting before, they aren't bad. They did disable my site for using too much drive space, although my usage was below the plan limits. Honestly, I have a GoDaddy/WildWestDomains reseller account also but only for the ssl cert's and domain names.

One other thing you should think about is where the hosting company servers are located in reference to yourself and especially your traffic audience. The closer the servers are to you/your audience, the faster the responses will be. If, for example, most of your traffic is going to be from the UK, then go with a that has servers in the UK. You'd probably have to ask where the servers are at. If the target audience is world wide, then it shouldn't be so much of a factor.

One last thing is that I love and recommend cPanel as the hosting control panel. It's organised well and I believe the most popular hosting control panel out there. It allows you to manage your hosting account, set up emails, databases, ftp account, webmail interface, etc. You can make a full backup of your account, take the backup to a new cPanel host, and they can use it to recreate the account exactly as it was at the time the backup was made or just keep the backup for safety. I don't think GoDaddy offers this with their hosting plans, they do offer it with a virtual dedicated or dedicated server. I believe they only offer their own control panel which I personally have found not very intuitive. I have no idea what 123reg offers. You can try a demo at cpanel.net/products/cpanelwhm/try-demo.html

Pretty much any hosting account will interface with Xara if ftp is allowed.

Just a few more things to consider.