Well - I was able to figure out part of it. I added a stretch button with my desired text and then selected the WebProperties->Placeholder->ReplacewithHTMLcode->HTMLcodeBody to add the code. Upon preview, the button, when clicked, went to the default Xara link until I changed WebProperties->Link to "Do Nothing". This, I guess allowed the html code to do its thing.

The problem I need help with now is this: As you can see below, the html code inserts some text with style H3. This is not the style used by by Fusion Template. How do I make it consistent? Also, the html code overwrites my stretch button. My stretch button is of the style of the Fusion Template. I would like to retain it instead of the button inserted by the html code. Of course, the database search performed by the html code is what I want to keep as is. Here is the results of what I have done: www.vitreouscom.com/resources.htm . And here is the code that I was given and inserted in the placeholder:

<H3>JewishGen Lithuania Database (for Anyksciai)</H3>

<P>Click the button to show all entries for Anyksckiai
in the JewishGen Lithuania Database.
<A HREF="http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Lithuania">(About
the JewishGen Lithuania Database)</A>.

<FORM Method="POST"
<input TYPE="hidden" name="allcountry" VALUE="ALLLITHJG">
<input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1" VALUE="Anyksciai">
<input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1v" VALUE="T">
<input TYPE="hidden" name="srch1t" VALUE="E">
<input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search the JewishGen Lithuania Database for Anyksciai">