I know that I can repeat something on all pages and this I've done. Now I want to include the following on "some" of my pages:
<dd><a href="http://www.gruber-systems.com/products/molds/shower/1050.htm" target="_blank">Shower Pans 1050 Series</a></dd>
<dd><a href="http://www.gruber-systems.com/products/molds/shower/1051.htm" target="_blank">Shower Pans 1051 Series</a></dd>
<dd><a href="http://www.gruber-systems.com/products/molds/shower/1052.htm" target="_blank">Shower Pans 1052 Series</a></dd>

I've found several sources that attempt to explain the procedure to include HTML from another file into a page but I cannot seem to understand what I'm reading (I cannot get it to work). On my current site I used PHP with an include, this worked great but with XWD I'm a bit lost. From what I've read it should be simple but it is not simple enough for me.

The reason I want to use the code as an include is that the links are subject to change and I don't want to hunt for the pages I included the links. If (as I currently do with the PHP include) I can use the include function within XWD I'd have the same function as I do now and make a change in one place (e.g. the file I'm including) and automatically everywhere the file is used the change would be reflected.