Thanks for the link. I guess this would help if you experienced these issues of images that don't show or are corrupted. I religiously save everything first and have even taken to closing out the program and restarting before uploading...tedious to say the least. The only time I've changed to a different file has been when something got so screwed up in the upload process that I've had to resort to a backup file. But from there forward, I save everything to the same file and on my computer. Today is a great example of what can happen. I had a late breaking story. I added just a link to the home page and small photo, a JPEG and the upload process was inersting to watch. After I optimized again (I do it each time before uploading) I saved the file and closed the program...and then re-opened the file. I uploaded a bunch of pages and then gave me the "out of memory" error message. Then, just a half-hour or so ago, I had another late breaking story. I added a link and a line or two of copy and went through the same process. This time it uploaded just fine, no messages. As one of the earlier posters alluded to, this is an intermittent problem, and if it's a work flow issue, that makes it even harder to pin down.