Okay here's the second part of my list, starting with the most urgent:

-There appears to be a bug in the intersection routine that creates small linear sections near the intersection point of curved geometry.

-Being able to save and load palette definitions (colour tables) to ascii files. !ArtWorks had this option and a 3rd party program was made to edit these palettes. It was a killer combination.

-The bitmap export wizard has two options for anti-aliasing. Why not just add the a-a slider in the export dialog?

-Why is the feather tool limited to a pixel radius? Wouldn't it make more sense to limit it to the dialogal of the boundingbox of the objects that are feathered?

-Make all short cuts user defined. Most laptops do not have numpad keys which forces me (and probably many others) to use the tedious menus.

-Being able to store vector fill-definions in the fill-gallery

-Seperation into custom colour (any colour)

-It would appear seperation display is a post-effect (it interferes with anti-aliasing). Why not create a duplicate of the drawing internally and change all colour definitions. This would also speed up seperation display significantly.

-Curve smoothing only displays the number and position of bezier-knots during change of the slider. It would be better if it also directly displayed the resulting curve.

-Transparancy for layers and groups. The only way to do this now is to create a bitmap copy of the objects and make this bitmap transparant.

-Curved corners on rectangles amnd quickshapes are deformed when the shape is stretched. I would like for them to be ALWAYS circular. (maybe an option?)

-Being able to add custom linewidths to the linewidth combobox.

-PNG and JPG export buttons in the name-gallery instead of GIF

-Multiple undo (display a history list with all undo-steps and allow the user to jump back to one directly)

-A new tool to offset a curve and get a new curve. Currently the only way to do this is to use the contour tool with inset path option and then use the curve tool to cut the new closed shape.

-Slightly higher buttons in the galleries.

-A new high quality a-a type. I believe the current a-a engine only dithers to 86 shades instead of the possible 256. This hq a-a doesn't have to be realtime.. as long as we can use it to export bitmaps...

-All galleries should be dockable (on top of each other) with a slider next to them. This way they can all be on screen without claiming too much screen real estate.

-Finally, it would be cool if there was a readbale ascii version of the file format. This would enable users to easily code their own importers/exporters from and to XaraX. This filetype would probably be much bigger than the current one but for import/export purposes this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The reason why I post all these comments is not because I don't like what XaraX is, it's because I dream about what it could become.

Thanks for reading all the way down to here,